Do you live on the Winnicut River, or one of its brooks or streams? Would you like to learn how to have a "better backyard," or be a steward for wildlife? Do you enjoy birding, kayaking, or trail walking? Have you got Invasive Plant Problems? Would you like to learn more about the Winnicut River and its wildlife diversity, from its treefrogs and trout lilies, to its black bears and white cedars? If you can answer 'yes' to any of the above, we need YOU. The WRWC is working hard to develop a Better Backyard campaign which promises to be a rewarding program for land/homeowners interested in protecting the integrity of the Winnicut River, its streams and brooks, and ultimately Great Bay, and the wildlife that lives and breeds here. E-mail us today to learn more at

Friday, January 21, 2011

Interesting Stormwater Workshop

Thermal Impacts of Stormwater BMPs,

Thermal Regimes of Northeast Streams,

and their Nexus

Thursday, February 17th, 2011 1230-330PM

Location: Hugh Gregg Coastal Conservation Center, 89 Depot Road, Greenland, NH

Presented by

UNH Stormwater Center, Environmental Research Group, and NH Coastal Training Program


What: How does stormwater runoff impact stream temperature?

This workshop will present research results examining thermal characteristics as they relate to surface waters and runoff in the built and natural environment, an important issue facing the Northeast. As a watershed is developed, and impervious surface area increases, stormwater runoff can be a significant, or even the primary source of water to a surface water body. Small streams in New England are highly sensitive to changes in temperature. Increased temperature damages cold water fisheries, and altered temperature regimes interfere with spawning and migration patterns. Drs. Roseen, Ballestero and Watts are characterizing the thermal signature of stormwater runoff. Dr. Jacobs has explored the thermal regimes of streams throughout NH and MA. Recently, these teams have begun to combine their findings to determine the impact of specific stormwater management strategies on a range of stream types. This workshop will present the results of these ongoing research programs.

Workshop Partners: Robert Roseen, Jennifer Jacobs, Alison Watts, Tom Ballestero, Jamie Houle, Steve Miller (CTP Partner), Ralph Abele (EPA)


1. Introduction - Ralph Abele (EPA) (15 min)

2. Thermal Regimes of Northeast Streams – Jennifer Jacobs (ERG) (25 min)

3. Thermal Impacts of Stormwater BMPs – Robert Roseen (UNHSC) (25 min)

4. Persistence Characteristics of Stormwater BMPs – Tom Ballestero (UNHSC) (25 min)

5. Developing Models for Stormwater Thermal Impacts on Stream Temperature Regimes---Alison Watts (UNHSC) (25 min)

6. Next Steps to Quantifying and Mitigating Stormwater impacts on Streams (10 min)

7. Closing & Sponsor acknowledgements (5 min)

Registration: For more information goto

To register online goto

Or contact Maddy Wasiewski at 603-862-2206. There is no cost to this workshop.

Logistics: Parking is available on site. The workshop is located 89 Depot Road, Greenland, NH 03840.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Erosion of the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act and other protective conservation measures

The New Hampshire Rivers Council is providing a new and important service for those interested in the legislative aspect of water conservation and protection in our state. If you are interested in being notified of action relative to water conservation, please subscribe to LegislativeAlert by sending an email to

To support this and other valuable watershed work, please visit New Hampshire Rivers Council's website.

Currently, there are three bills going before the Senate that aim to erode the integrity of important conservation and protection measures:

SB 19 is relative to the definition of prime wetlands;

SB 20 is relative to shoreland protection permits;

SB 21 is relative to the definition of wetlands.

All three are being heard by the NH Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in Room 102 at the Legislative Office Building at 10:15 AM on January 13, 2011. View the calendar (page 3 of the pdf) here.

From Michele Tremblay, President of NH Rivers Council:

These bills would dramatically and harmfully transform the regulatory framework and landscape of our waterbodies. Please ACT NOW on these three very important bills. Some of the senate hearing time overlaps with the Oyster River bill hearing in the House (HB 44, designating segments of the Oyster River as a protected river). It is recommended that the local focus of seacoast advocates be on this house hearing. Alternatively, you can drop off your House testimony letters/cards and then go to the Senate Committee hearings at 10:15.

What can you do now? Call or write your Senator and urge him/her to to vote against these three bills. This is especially effective if your Senator is on this committee. If you cannot be there, please take a moment to write a letter to or call your Senator.

Tools for action and what you need to know:

SB 19 would reduce prime wetlands to areas that are 5 or more acres.
SB 20 would remove the shoreland permit requirement when an applicant receives an alternation of terrain permit. As you are aware, these two programs are complementary and NOT redundant.
SB 21 would remove from wetland jurisdiction all man-made wetlands unless they are part of compensatory mitigation.

Committee membership

Who's my Legislator? (search by city/town)

It's important to close the circle. Please let us know when you have called your Representative or email/fax us your letter so that we can keep track of support when testifying at hearings. There is no assurance that the leadership and the committee membership will be notified of your support. We will make sure that ALL committee members know that you support this bill.